Meeting Éric Sauvé: A Look Back at the Power Platform Community Conference 2024

Four of our experts (including Leoza Kabir Barker, Rick Bojahra and Giovanna Pegoretti) attended the Power Platform Community Conference 2024, an event that brings together passionate professionals eager to stay at the forefront of Microsoft's latest innovations. Among them was Éric Sauvé, Power Platform practice lead at XRM Vision and Microsoft MVP, who is no stranger to such experiences. In this interview, he shares his thoughts on this exciting week, from his experience as a co-presenter to the evolving perspectives on upcoming technologies.

Interview with Éric Sauvé, Power Platform Practice Lead and Microsoft MVP

1. How would you describe your overall experience at the Power Platform Community Conference?

Éric Sauvé: It’s an exhausting conference! There’s so much happening, a lot to capture, and countless topics covered. There are also many people to meet; it’s very intense. For me, it takes a week to recover afterward! But despite the intensity, it’s a very motivating conference because it reinforces our interest in the entire Power Platform universe.

What I love is the community effect. Whether it's the Microsoft teams, consultants like us, or people in business, there’s really a great openness, a spirit of collaboration and knowledge sharing. It creates an energizing and pleasant atmosphere for work.

It’s also super interesting to see where Microsoft products and solutions are headed and to observe the evolution they’ve undergone in the past year, as well as what’s still to come. The pace of innovation is accelerating, and it’s quite impressive!

Éric Sauvé's post on his LinkedIn account after the Power Platform Community Conference 2024.

2. Where do you think we are headed?

Éric Sauvé: I believe that what we’ve experienced in the last year or two has primarily focused on how Copilot (AI) can assist us in our daily tasks. Whether it’s speeding up certain tasks or allowing us to conduct deeper research, the emphasis has been really on user assistance.

In this phase, artificial intelligence has acted as a Copilot, much like cars with assisted driving, where you need to keep your hands close to the wheel or stay alert. But now, what we see in certain cities in the U.S.—and even in Las Vegas—are self-driving taxis, with no one at the wheel. That’s where we’re heading in the field of AI: towards greater autonomy.

The next step is to see these Copilots evolve into more autonomous agents. Instead of just answering questions or performing tasks on demand, these agents will be able to take initiatives, make choices, and accomplish actions more independently.

Even in complex areas like solution design, there are tools being developed that aim to replace certain functions, like the work of solution architects. They will be able to handle a good portion of the tasks, allowing professionals to focus on even more strategic aspects.

And of course, like with any technological innovation, the speed at which these changes will occur will be impressive. I think we are moving into a new era of automation and increased efficiency.

3. How did you experience being a co-presenter with your colleague Leoza Kabir Barker?

Éric Sauvé: Yes, we actually presented two sessions, one on how to extend the Power Platform, but the one that really stands out is the one on Process Mining. It was an absolutely fabulous experience!

Leoza Kabir Barker and Éric Sauvé at their conference Power Up Your Processes with Power Automate Process Mining.

Personally, I was really happy to be there and to support Leoza in this opportunity. Seeing the room full, with people standing all around, was incredible. There were clearly more people than the room could hold, which shows the interest in the topic.

The reactions and feedback we received were excellent. After the session, the participants' responses in the surveys were really positive, which was gratifying.

What made this experience even more special was our dynamic on stage. Leoza and I have very different backgrounds, whether in terms of age, origin, or career paths. This diversity brought a unique flavor and complementarity to our presentation. We fed off each other’s strengths and perspectives, creating an amazing energy on stage.

I want to thank Leoza because she really led the preparation for this presentation. Thanks to all the groundwork, the presentation went smoothly and naturally. It was a true pleasure to share this experience with her.

The room for the conference 'Power Up Your Processes with Power Automate Process Mining' at the PPCC 2024

4. What lessons did you take away from the presentations of the week and the exchanges?

Éric Sauvé: Regarding exchanges with other participants, what stands out the most is the feeling of not being alone. There’s a shared sentiment among everyone, a kind of duality. On one hand, there’s excitement, wonder, and impatience to see how all these innovations will transform our way of working. On the other hand, there’s stress, anxiety, and some insecurity about the impact these changes will have on our professional lives.

This duality is omnipresent: on one hand, we’re very enthusiastic about integrating these new technologies, but on the other, we fear the challenges and risks they might bring, especially when adopting them without having established the necessary governance. It’s a complex balance between the desire to progress and the need to remain cautious.

This key point about governance around artificial intelligence highlights the importance of starting to put governance elements in place, even if they’re not perfect yet. How do we ensure that the information used is correct? How do we establish safeguards to avoid putting the organization at risk? How do we guarantee that people only access the information they are entitled to?

These questions about governance and security are crucial and remain relevant, even in a world where artificial intelligence is playing an increasingly significant role. This is truly the main lesson I take away from this week’s presentations.

5. How would you describe the experience of being at the PPCC with three of your colleagues?

Éric Sauvé: Being in a team is really enriching. It’s somewhat similar to last year. What’s interesting is the opportunity to reflect together on what we’ve learned throughout the day. With several of us, we can cover a wider range of topics, as we generally try not to attend the same sessions unless there’s a particularly relevant presentation.

As a group, we can share insights from our respective sessions, identify cross-cutting or complementary elements, and already start thinking about what can be applied in our projects. It’s hard to come back from a conference retaining all the details, but discussing together allows us to validate the key points to focus on and determine what will have the most impact for our clients.

Beyond the professional aspect, participating as a team also strengthens personal bonds. We share not only work-related moments but also more casual activities like outings and dinners where we talk about our lives and families. This helps create connections that make everyday collaboration even more enjoyable once back in the office.

From left to right: Eric, Giovanna, Leoza and Rick

6. Are there aspects or practices you plan to prioritize more in your daily work, especially regarding AI?

Éric Sauvé: What remains constantly at the forefront for me, even more than before, is all the governance aspects around AI. For example, on a project I’m currently working on, we are examining the architecture of new solutions, and one of the first points I immediately added was AI governance.

It’s a concept I make sure to introduce in all my projects. Even if it’s not something I implement in every aspect of my daily routine, it’s definitely one of the most important elements I consistently bring into my approach.

Together Towards the Future

In summary, the Power Platform Community Conference was a week rich in reflection. Éric Sauvé emphasizes the importance of governance around artificial intelligence and the empowerment of tools that will transform our way of working. The sharing of ideas and team exchanges not only strengthened technical skills but also the human bonds among participants. As technologies continue to evolve at a rapid pace, it is clear that professionals must remain vigilant and flexible while actively engaging in discussions about AI security and ethics. With leaders like Éric, XRM Vision is well-positioned to navigate this era of innovation and continue providing relevant and sustainable solutions to its clients.


Thanks to our expert Éric Sauvé for this interview.