What is your organization's CRM maturity: 5 articles for better understanding
Thinking about optimizing your business practices? Knowing your degree of CRM maturity is essential for making the right decisions for your transition. To help you identify your stage and better understand the implications, here are 5 of our articles on CRM maturity:
1- To know the 5 phases of maturity
The term "maturity" refers to the degree of formality and optimization of your organization's processes. Discover the 5 stages of maturity. Read the article: Do you know the maturity levels of your CRM?
2. To understand the process analysis approach
Evaluating the maturity of sales, marketing, and customer management processes is a key step in understanding your degree of maturity. What exactly are the processes to observe and the analysis approach? Read the article: Analyzing the maturity of processes in the context of a CRM implementation.
3. To increase the CRM maturity of your customer service management
Discover how to optimize your customer service management processes by adopting a good self-service portal. Read the article:
4. To improve the maturity of your sales processes
Discover the best practices for optimizing your sales management. Read the article:
5. To maximize the maturity of your marketing processes
Do you know the benefits of automation for marketing campaigns? Here's how this practice helps you increase your maturity. Read the article:
6. And to evaluate your maturity (Yes, as a bonus!)
Use our free and online evaluation kit to assess the maturity of your organization. Read the article: