Hyperautomation Insights : Rick Bojahra’s Key Takeaways from the PPCC 2024

As part of our series of interviews spotlighting each of our four colleagues who attended the Power Platform Community Conference (PPCC) in September 2024, we had the privilege to sit down with Rick Bojahra, director of hyperautomation and solution architect at XRM Vision. Rick's expertise in guiding digital transformations and his passion for leveraging the latest technologies made him a key presence at the event. In this conversation, he shares his motivations for attending the conference, the most impactful sessions he participated in, and his vision for the future of business process management with the Power Platform.

Interview with Rick Bojahra

1. What motivated you to attend the Power Platform Community Conference in Las Vegas?

Rick Bojahra: I could share many reasons. But I think the main one is that, in my role as solution architect and director of hyperautomation at XRM Vision, I wanted to make sure I was up-to-date on the latest technology that Microsoft was releasing on the platform. Also, it was important for me to understand how we could work with our team at XRM Vision to leverage that technology—how we could really take advantage of those new features and try to come up with something that would give us a competitive edge with our customers and against other business partners. I just felt it was crucial that I grasp those new developments. So, that’s why I wanted to go.

2. Which sessions or workshops stood out to you the most during the event?

Rick Bojahra: There were a couple of different things that really stood out for me. The first one is the new Microsoft Plan Designer, which is an extension of the Power Platform that Microsoft has created. It’s not even in preview yet; they showed it to us on the bleeding edge during the keynote address. I also attended another workshop on it, and it was amazing. This tool takes the architectural side and ADO ticketing side of application design and turns it into something tangible—a tool where you can plan out your apps, your tables, and how you're going to construct your end solution for a customer or organization.

Rick Bojahra's LinkedIn post resharing insights from Lisa Crosbie about the Power Apps Plan Designer

It really is a solution architect’s tool, and for me, being a solution architect, it was exciting to see something that helps us do our job faster, better, and in a consistent way. It’s also a great mentoring tool for those trying to become functional or solution architects. We can have them work through the process and then review it with them, making it a valuable tool for training and growth within our team.

The other thing that I really enjoyed was attending a full-day workshop on Microsoft Fabric. Getting to see more of the cool features that Microsoft has been adding to that reporting and data warehousing solution was really exciting. I spent a full day actually in a Fabric workshop, and it was just amazing.

3. Did you have any interesting conversations with other professionals?

Rick Bojahra: Honestly, the most interesting conversations were the casual ones at lunch. I sat with a solution architect from the Netherlands who runs his own consulting firm, just himself, and a first-year Power Platform developer who just graduated and is working for the US Navy.

This new developer was kind of looking to us, more experienced solution architects, for guidance on where he should take his career, what to focus on, and what our experience has been like with the Power Platform. It was an amazing exchange, seeing his enthusiasm and sharing our passion for digital transformation. I had like ten of those conversations throughout the conference, talking to people while waiting in line or during breaks. Those moments of connecting with like-minded professionals are some of the best parts of these events.

Rick Bojahra with Adam Saxton, Principal Program Manager for Power BI/Fabric.

4. What key takeaways from the conference do you plan to apply in your daily work?

Rick Bojahra: The biggest takeaway for me was that I need to make sure I'm taking full advantage of the latest tools in my job. We tend to get stuck in a rut, doing things the same way over and over. But with all the new tools and AI capabilities that Microsoft has introduced, like Copilot, it's clear that I need to actively use them in my day-to-day work. The conference reminded me that it's not just about knowing these tools exist—it's about getting hands-on and actually integrating them into our processes to improve how we operate.

5. What trends or innovations in the Power Platform do you think will have a major impact on the future of business process management?

Rick Bojahra: AI integration into the Power Platform and other Microsoft tools like Outlook is going to be a massive game changer. For example, features like AI-driven 'smart paste' into forms will revolutionize how we manage data by automating the process of analyzing and parsing information. This will streamline workflows and increase efficiency in customer service scenarios. If we don't get on board with these AI advancements, we're going to be left behind. Microsoft is heavily investing in this technology, and it’s only going to keep getting better.

Rick Bojahra's LinkedIn post sharing a slide from the Power Platform Community Conference, highlighting the new Copilot Agents feature and its potential impact on automation.

Additionally, I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to XRM Vision for the opportunity to attend this conference. It’s an honor to have been selected from a pool of talented colleagues, and I deeply appreciate the chance to represent our team. The experience was truly enriching, and I feel a renewed sense of purpose as I bring back what I’ve learned to share with our organization.

Navigating Digital Transformation with Insight

Rick Bojahra’s experiences and insights from the Power Platform Community Conference highlight the critical role of staying ahead of technological advancements in today's fast-paced digital world. His commitment to harnessing the latest tools to drive innovation, along with his dedication to mentoring others in the field, underscores his leadership in shaping the future of hyperautomation. As Rick brings back new knowledge to XRM Vision, his vision for turning complex needs into practical, value-driven solutions will continue to empower both his team and our clients.


We are grateful to Rick Bojahra for sharing his journey.